Co-creating a Biosphere Region

Collaboration is essential for success in Biosphere Regions. Complex issues exist in each of the 701 UNESCO Biosphere Regions around the world. Effectively working together towards sustainable development, protecting biodiversity and inspiring a positive future is an important role under the framework of Biosphere Reserves.

The Indigenous Circle for Biosphere Reserves in Canada formalized the statement "Making a Promise". The statement asserts that Indigenous hosts of biosphere reserves should be integral to the governance and management of each site, from the establishment and implementation of projects to the development of co-governance and co-management structures that equally respect and value Western and Indigenous knowledge systems and decision-making processes.

We have committed to creating a culture of collaboration within our governance for the Átl’ka7tsem/Howe Sound Biosphere Region. We have embedded into our constitution a Squamish Nation co-Chair role on our board. Over time we strive to attract a balanced and diverse representation from communities around the region. We welcome new board members Joyce Williams, Squamish Nation Council member, Dr. Hasan Hutchinson from Bowen Island, and Jessica Schultz, former manager of the Howe Sound Research Group at Ocean Wise. Read more about our 2020/21 board here.