Biology, Arts and Math students visit Cha7élkwnech/Gambier Island

Students of Visual Arts Math 139, Math 123, and Ecology 208 courses travelled to Gambier Island to conduct monitoring in the nature reserve wetlands. HSBRIS connected instructors Danielle Wills and Thomas Flower with the Islands Trust Conservancy and Gambier Island Conservancy. The projects were winners of the Test Your Concept incentive offered by Capilano U’s applied research department. Funding from the TYC supported the cost of travel to and from this remote part of Gambier Island.

Students of the ecology course conducted monitoring in the Long Bay Nature Reserve, while the Visual Arts and Math students explored the trails and beach.

Encouraging interdisciplinary approaches, the field trips were an opportunity to apply monitoring in the field, mathematics statistics, and University One Indigenous students to gain inspiration for the creative use of statistics to express science.

Ruth Simons