Biosphere Terrestrial Atlas


In order to make informed decisions around land use management and conservation efforts, baseline information is required to understand the historical context of an area. Inspired by the Marine Reference Guide, this project aims to create an online mapping application that will include research of past and present conditions, restoration history, and outstanding future opportunities related to conservation and restoration, as well as accompanying ESRI StoryMaps showcasing the histories of ecologically significant areas of the region. Once data is compiled, an analysis will be carried out to identify knowledge gaps and areas where conservation/restoration efforts could be focused on.

The Need

The Biosphere Region has an extensive history of anthropogenic effects on the environment, including resource extraction, recreation, cultural uses, conservation, and restoration efforts. Although many of these activities are documented well, the data and information is spread out over various databases, formats, and names. This creates a barrier to those looking to find information specific to this region and delays decision making as the information required to make land management decisions needs to be compiled.

The Marine Reference Guide (MRG), created by the Marine Stewardship Initiative, served as inspiration for this project. The MRG is a “centralized interactive map that pulls together information about the Sound’s ocean to support informed decision-making, collaborative management, marine spatial planning, and community education”. The creation of the MRG further highlighted the importance of visualization tools and the need to develop something similar for the terrestrial environment of Átl'ḵa7tsem/Howe Sound.

Project Objectives

Anvil Island clay mining for bricks 1915

  • Develop database and data sharing best practices guidelines

  • Identify high-value conservation, restoration, and cultural focus areas in the Biosphere

  • Collate relevant land-use, resource extraction, conservation, restoration, and general environmental data

  • Create an online visualization application(s) for the collated data

Project Benefits

This project will provide baseline information that will help better inform decision making and enhance prioritization of conservation/protection projects through the openly accessible online database. The StoryMaps of high-value areas will also work to educate the public on past and present conditions, restoration histories, and outstanding future opportunities in areas of the region.


The Terrestrial Atlas will cover the entirety of the Átl'ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound Biosphere Region, while StoryMaps will be centered on focus areas. See map below for more information. Focus areas have been selected due to their ecological significance and/or rich biodiversity as well as their complicated land-use histories and opportunities for restoration, remediation, and stewardship.

If you have relevant environmental, restoration, remediation, or conservation data that you would like to see hosted by this application, please reach out to Joseph at

Click on the map for a full sized version of the atlas unit delineations.

Project Updates

April 2024 - The second Story Map focused on the landscape change history of the Skwelwil'em Squamish Estuary is under development. The Terrestrial Atlas Application is being developed and a first iteration of the application should be completed by June 2024.

February 2024 - The first Story Map, focused on the landscape changes of the McNab Watershed is finished. You can read a short summary on the McNab Story Map here. The Project Team is currently working with application developers at ESRI to create the mapping application that will be the Terrestrial Atlas. Stay tuned!

September 2023 - first draft was complete and out for revisions

August 2023 - The West Howe Sound Unit (see project map above) is being used as the pilot zone to compile relevant information/data and create a narrative based StoryMap for the focus area of the McNab Creek Valley. A draft StoryMap is being reviewed for publishing.

April 2023 - Research on best practices and database design has been completed to inform the development of the application. A map with a breakdown of Units within the Biosphere to further guide data-gathering efforts, and group terrestrial zones in the region by geographic and land-use characteristics is shown on this page.

Deliverables & Resources


Joey Moric - Research Assistant

Project Team

Leads: Mica Anguita & Joseph Moric

Contact: &

With funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada, we have hired Joseph Moric to investigate available conservation and restoration datasets that will provide the foundation for the Atlas and to help scope the development of the application. Joseph comes from a diverse background of field ecology, fisheries research, and work in the marine industry. His passion for the Coast Mountains and the vibrancy of the Átl'ḵa7tsem/Howe Sound community led him to work with HSBRIS on this project. Joseph lives in Squamish and can often be found out in the mountains or exploring the rock climbing around town.